
Paige Neumann


I am not equal, 

For the color of my skin 

Deems me better. 


For my skin, 

Is untouched paper 

A dancing painting of peach 

with privilege. 


Every person is a different painting 

One is not the same as the other 

Their paintings include variations of brown, yellow, and black.


They are looked at 

as if the are less 

because a painting 

different than I; 

is an untouched canvas. 


As beautiful as me; 

Colors that tell a story 


Freedom fighters, 


Creators of our world. 

Their ancestors  

paving the paths 

we walk now. 


We should thank them 

and their heroic past, 

For it does not deem them unfit for a job. 

Throwing words their way 

calling them less than who they are.


We are equal, 

humans of the same creation, 

a unique masterpiece. 



We will be equal.