SGA Elections – What to Expect and How to Run
In order to run for any of the positions on the SGA, students must head over to the SGA’s social media (@ocsasga) and click the link in the bio, fill out the forum, and submit it.
May 17, 2021
The time to run for the Student Government Association (SGA) here at OCSA is now! All positions are being cleared out, including officer positions and senate positions. Officer/board positions include the President, Vice President, Secretary, Fundraising Chair, and Historian. Senate positions include representatives from all eight art departments.
In order to run for any of the positions listed, students must go to the SGA’s social media (@ocsasga) and click the link provided in their bio. Once they are at the online forum provided, they will fill out the information needed, and submit it.
There is no set date for the voting process yet, as the SGA wishes to give runners more time to campaign. “We are going to be announcing the elections to the whole school, not just our instagram, and will hold off on the voting date so everyone has time to campaign in their own way,” Laura Campoverde, current president of the SGA, explained.
When it comes time to vote, the voting process will be completed via an online forum in order to make voting more efficient and COVID-19 friendly. To vote, students must either go to the SGA’s social media, or scan the QR code that will be displayed on posters around the school.
All positions on the SGA are held for one term, or one year. This means that every year, someone new can run for their desired position. Should a student wish to keep their current position, they would need to run again and get elected once more.
While running for your desired position, “be honest with your peers,” Laura advises. “Tell them why you are running and what you can bring to the table if you were elected. As a runner, you also need to understand that you will have to be ready to be flexible when things do not go the way you planned, if elected. But to also stay clear with what you want to do.”
“Qualifications needed for these positions are just passion and interest in bringing more to the school and its student body.” Laura continued. “Make your campaign unique, eye-catching, and personal. That will differentiate you with others who are running for the same position.”