Masquerade: Presented by the Orchestra Department

The OCSA Orchestra performing.

Sarah-Jean, Reporter

People filled the seats as string instruments and voices warmed up for the first orchestra concert of the year. Although the main focus was centered around the astounding orchestra students, the collaboration presented by creative writers, actors, and visual artists elevated the breathtaking elements of the performance.

To start off the performance, sixth grade parents nervously walked up onto the stage to try and recreate the music performed by their kid[s]. After about five minutes, mothers, fathers, and guardians showed off their amusing talent. This new element to the concert allowed for parents to experience first hand what their children go through on the daily. It aids to understanding and appreciation. Proud of their parents abilities, the sixth grade ensemble clapped in recognition.

Cassandra Glow, a tenth grade drama major, poured emotion in a monologue leading the audiences thoughts and imagination during the piece.

Writers took the stage introducing multiple pieces, stating the composer and conductor for the outstanding music that followed. The first poem was presented by Lexi Incandela, a senior Creative Writer, based upon Storm The Gates, composed by Alan Lee Silva. Her poem portrayed the emotional elements of the piece, putting harmonization into words. Her well-crafted lines enchanted the audience, preparing them to be blown away further by the sixth grade orchestra’s first performance.

In past years the orchestra department has included writers in their performances. “A show is more entertaining and impactful with multiple media,” stated Rueff Frazao, conductor of the middle and high school orchestra. The writers offer opportunity to show dialogue, bringing something to the show that could not be portrayed by orchestra alone. Utilizing everyone can build something bigger than one, using talents provided by an array of students propels the event forward.

Not only was the skill of writers utilized, drama brought on a wonderful atmosphere and background to pieces, helping to enhance story telling and setting the scene. The visual artists brought the masks to the masquerade, setting the foundation for the performance as a whole.

Frazao believes the foundation of education is to showcase work students are doing in the classroom, giving a more purposeful meaning behind an assignment given in class. Rather than art just being done for a grade, it’s done for appreciation, recognitions, and the chance to showcase their art.

Student leadership amongst the orchestra students granted success. Santiago Desperato, an eleventh grade orchestra major, composed some pieces performed throughout the show as well as playing the piano and more. He composed a trio, including violin, viola, and piano.

A shoutout to the amazing teachers assistants who conducted their first pieces at the concert that night; Evan Wettle, Jocelyn Chavez, and Lauren Pierson.

All students who performed showed a tremendous amount of talent and should be recognized for such an outstanding showcase.