Supply and Demand Crisis
The lack of supplies in stores has caused an outrage in consumers.
October 24, 2021
Due to the lack of workers resulting from COVID-19, the supply and demand crisis has been growing. The recent crisis has made it hard to find things, whether they are basic wants or needs. The supply and demand crisis may be nearing its peak, meaning it can’t get much worse.
As the holiday season approaches there has been a shortage of supplies such paper towels, snacks, and even at home COVID tests, which has caused outrage among the public. With an ‘everything’ shortage, there has been a lack of products, causing people to start hoarding. Talia McCarthy, a shopper, refers to it as “panic buying.” McCarthy stated in an email to a store owner experiencing the shortage “Early in the pandemic, panic buying was the cause of many of the out-of-stock situations that grocers experienced.” Many sources anticipate that the global supply chain will see significant improvement by the second half of 2022, since the gift buying season will have eased a little.
With the loss of people in the work force due to various issues from the pandemic, there are numerous job openings. This has led to a worker shortage. Part of the reason this crisis has begun is because over 700,000 people have passed due to COVID. Those who earn less are looking to fill the spots left behind. Positions such as fast food workers, grocery store workers, and truck drivers are being left behind, creating an imbalance in the number products being delivered.