Customer Files $5 Million Dollar Lawsuit Against Pop-Tarts

Anita Harris files class action lawsuit against Kellogg's Brand Pop-Tarts.

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Anita Harris files class action lawsuit against Kellogg’s Brand Pop-Tarts.

Audrey Rivero, Reporter

Recently, Anita Harris a citizen of Illinois has filed a class-action lawsuit demanding $5,000,000 from Kellogg’s Brand Pop-Tarts. Specifically against the Frosted Strawberry flavor, Harris labels them as “false, misleading, and deceptive.” The argument holds that the Pop-Tarts hold a far greater amount of non-Strawberry fruits in the Pop-Tarts, relative to the Strawberry.

Although companies are often faced with class action lawsuits, some of which are viewed with some infamy. Although Pop-Tarts is often a “cheat-food” to most people, Harris believes that it’s not specified clearly enough compared to most brands.

Despite the near humor that some hold towards the argument, the lawsuit does carry some weight. Many off-brand Pop-Tarts like Walmart’s Great Value contain the markings that this food “contains both natural and artificial flavoring,” something that Pop-Tarts does not.

Edgar Dworsky, the founder and editor of Consumer World states that “how they ultimately turn out is a toss of the coin.” However, he further stated that he doesn’t “have a great sense that the Pop-Tarts case will succeed.”

Kellogg’s has yet to respond to these allegations, as per the request of CNN Business.