NASA ISS Slated for Scrap by 2031

ISS Slated for Decommission in 2031.

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ISS Slated for Decommission in 2031.

Audrey Rivero, Reporter

NASA has scheduled the International Space Station (ISS) to cease operations in 2030. The space station is set to be dropped at Point Nemo, the location in the ocean farthest from any landmass, by 2031.

The decision largely comes from a marketing viewpoint. NASA released a statement stating “The private sector is technically and financially capable of developing and operating commercial low-Earth orbit destinations, with NASA’s assistance. We look forward to sharing our lessons learned and operations experience with the private sector to help them develop safe, reliable, and cost-effective destinations in space. The report we have delivered to Congress describes, in detail, our comprehensive plan for ensuring a smooth transition to commercial destinations after retirement of the International Space Station in 2030.”

Although this may seem like a sentence for the decommission starting now of the ISS, it’s confirmed that the station itself will continue in operation at full speed during this 9-year period. In the next coming years, the ISS will stand as an important midway between Mars and Earth.

Launched in 1998, the ISS took 10 years of constant research and effort to launch and took the collaboration of 15 countries to accomplish. It was, to most, a standing symbol of unity among Earth. Thanks to the ISS, humans, for the past 20 years, have had a constant (albeit close to home) presence in space. The ISS is, undeniably, a mark to our success as humans. Ultimately, it’s led to a lot of close to home feelings towards it, especially a sense of respect and care for it.

Thus, general public opinion towards this plan has been met with both severe backlash and out roar to a loud support. Lately, critiques revolve around the nature of the ISS being a symbol of unity in the world; without it, it would be an insult to humanity. However, in spite of this opinion, others see this is as a massive step in the right direction to a future of capitalism.

Either way, this is undeniably a big change, and only time will tell what effects it will have.