Nintendo Takes Down 1000s Of Music Tracks

Phillip Terry Graham

Nintendo takes down music tracks with no alternative for fans.

Ruby Carrero-Pomales, Reporter

In another musical purge, Nintendo takes down 3,500 videos from Youtube Channel, GilvaSunner, leading to the channel’s demise. Last week the company started by removing 1300 videos from the channel, then deleting 2,300 more on February 1st.

Nintendo has a history of taking down their music, defending it by saying the tracks are technically illegal. But the company provides no alternative for fans who wish to re-experience their game’s songs. The channel GilvaSunner, provided these tracks on their platform, uploading thousands of Video game music tracks since 2011. Gilvasunner had not monetized a single piece of media, always giving credit to the original owners.

Despite having 6,403 videos still up, Gilva announced on twitter his deletion of the channel on February 4th, “After thinking about this a lot over the past few days, I’ve decided that at this point it’s not really worth it to keep the channel up any longer and will therefore delete the GlivaSunner YouTube channel (or what’s left of it) this coming Friday. There are many different opinions over what is happening and that’s fine! I can understand pretty much all the sides. I know this is disappointing to read for a lot of you, but I hope you can respect my decision to want to move on.”

He holds no hard feelings towards the corporation, tweeting out, “I’m not angry or surprised that Nintendo is doing this, but I do think it’s a bit disappointing there is hardly an alternative. If Nintendo thinks this is what needs to be done (to set an example), I will let them take down the channel. It is their content after all.”

This isn’t the first time the company went on a melodic tirade, around two years ago in December of 2020, Nintendo of Japan took down any Super Mario 64, Legend of Zelda, and Mario Kart WII music.

All Nintendo fans can do is hope that one day Nintendo will release their music on some platform, allowing fans to listen to the songs outside of the game.