New Nintendo Direct Tomorrow!
Nintendo will be showing their first direct for 2022 tomorrow!
February 8, 2022
Nintendo of America has just tweeted their newest direct for tomorrow, February 9th. A Nintendo direct is a livestream Nintendo hosts that showcases new information on upcoming games and downloadable content.
Not much has been released about the contents of the direct, however they recently tweeted that the “livestream featuring roughly 40 minutes of information mainly focused on #NintendoSwitch games launching in the first half of 2022.”
Nintendo fans are already speculating what will be in the presentation. Some enthusiasts believe that there may be information about new games. When asked about what might be in the direct, 11th grader Daniel Linares said, “There’s a Nintendo Direct tomorrow? Well, either Metroid Prime 4 info, Breath of the Wild 2 info, maybe a new IP (but I doubt it), and y’all already know I’m waiting for that Cooking Mama Tomodachi Life Switch port.”
One of the potential games that may be spoken about is the recently announced Kirby game, “Kirby and the Forgotten Land,” which hasn’t had any information released since it was presented. Another is some long-awaited information on the Fire Emblem series, with their team for the Echoes remakes having not spoken since 2017. Along with that, their last game was released in 2019, with critical acclaim worldwide.
The last direct was on September 23rd of 2021, making this one the first of 2022. This will also be the first direct since the final of the Super Smash Bros Ultimate DLC characters have been released.