Elon Musk Refuses Position on Twitter Board


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Elon Musk Refuses Twitter Board Position.

Audrey Rivero, Reporter

Elon Musk, although initially intending to join, has now chosen to abstain from joining the Twitter Board. Musk’s appointment to the board was meant to take place last Saturday, but a tweet from the CEO of Twitter, Parag Agrawal, stated that Musk would not be joining. There was no reason given by Agrawal for this, however, in a note to staff, he stated “I believe this is for the best. We have and will always value input from our shareholders whether they are on our board or not. Elon is our biggest shareholder, and we will remain open to his input.”

Following the tweet from Agrawal, Musk tweeted a response with an emoji that had a hand over its mouth, but promptly deleted it without any further context.

Musk is generally notorious for his Twitter account, but he’s been more and more critical of the platform itself as of late. Particularly, he believes that the censorship that Twitter runs is a violation of the freedom of speech that citizens should have. Musk initially revealed that he had a 9% share in the company, however, he stated that with his joining the board he would not exceed 13.4% of the company. His decision not to join the board has removed this limit, causing some speculators to believe he may be on his way to butt heads over company decisions and ultimately attempt to buy out Twitter.

Although Musk was supposed to hold a Q&A with Twitter employees sometime this week, the event was canceled for undisclosed reasons.