Letter from the Co-Editor, 2022-2023

Letter from the Co-editor.
October 12, 2022
As I enter my junior year, I think back to my first year on staff as a freshman. Even with our small mixed mode staff divided between online and in-person learning, we had a passion and dedication for the art of news. I was awarded many great opportunities most people my age didn’t get thanks to my hard work and diligence. It was these things that inspired me to accept the offer of copy editor for the 2021-2022 school year.
During my time as Copy Editor for The OCSA Ledger, I suddenly found myself being a role model for 30 staff members. I worried about my ability to guide my fellow reporters and felt I wasn’t prepared for such a responsibility. But as the year went on, the enthusiasm and compassion of my staff brought me new confidence. I learned how to be a leader who was confident in my abilities, using my knowledge to help others grow. I’m thrilled to work alongside Halle Saldivia as joint co-editors with such a bright staff who’s eager to learn, investigate, and report on topics that appeal to our readers.
As co-editor, I will strive to be a reliable leader and encourage my fellow staff members as they shine a light on events that impact our student body and the artistic endeavors of our peers. In my 5 years at OCSA, I have never once doubted the passion and purpose of our student body nor the reporters that work on staff; this year will be no different. As we look towards new beginnings and opportunities, my confidence in The OCSA Ledger and its ability to persevere through any challenges it may face stands strong.
In recent years, The OCSA Ledger has lost sight of the student body and focused primarily on state and national news. This year I plan to bring our focus back to not just the wonderful artists on campus, but the teachers and staff that make our school incredible. My hope is that students, parents, and faculty will know they can turn to The OCSA Ledger for timely articles that showcase the wonderful things happening at OCSA.
Here’s to new beginnings,
Jillian Jenks
Co-Editor, The OCSA Ledger