OCSA’s Momo Sutton Stuns on Reality TV Program “All-Round Champion”

Sandra Andriaccio

Momo at the watch party for “All-Round Champion.”

Jessica Vanderbeck, Reporter

Imagine sitting around one day, aimlessly scrolling through your social media of choice when you notice a message. It claims that you’ve won a spot on a reality TV show, and they’d love to have you. Most people would dismiss it as a scam, and never think about it again. However, for OCSA Creative Writing sophomore Momo Sutton, this very situation would be the start of one of the wildest experiences of her life. 

Momo has been swimming for almost a decade of her life, gaining plenty of medals along the way, so it was clear why the people behind Canadian reality program “All-Round Champion” wanted her on the show. “All-Round Champion” follows 10 young athletes representing their own sport over a 10-week period. Each week, a new sport is featured, with the athlete specializing in that sport coaching the other 9 participants as they strive to become the all-around champion. Season 5 of the program is particularly unique: it’s the first season to feature a team made up entirely of para-athletes (athletes with disabilities.) 

After sending her official application, Momo flew out to Ontario with her parents and began her adventure. Most days of filming consisted of waking up at 5 AM, eating breakfast, getting into a van and driving to a filming location, working hard to master the featured sport, and plenty of interviews. However, it wasn’t all sports, all the time. In an interview with the OCSA Ledger, Momo shared that the team went to Niagra Falls- but due to a few wrong turns, they accidentally crossed the US-Canadian border. “I had fun, but I wish I got to see more spots in Canada,” she shared. In the future, she hopes to visit Montreal, Vancouver, and of course, Tim Horton’s. 

You can watch Momo for yourself on “All-Round Champion” on the BYU TV website.