Final Calendar Update

May 16, 2018
Here are the last events on the schedule for OCSA students and faculty for the 2017-2018 school year:
Today, 5.16.18, there will be AP Testing for English Language and Composition @ 8AM and Macroeconomics @ 12PM, both in the EXPO Hall. There will also be a stART Parent Information Night from 7-8:30PM in the Theater.
Thursday, 5.17.18, there will be AP Testing for World History @ 8AM and Statistics @ 12PM, both in the EXPO Hall. PATHS/TECO’s Graduation Ceremony will take place that evening from 4:30-6:30PM in the EXPO Hall, with the Drama Seniors’ Showcase in the Blackbox @ 6:30PM.
Friday, 5.18.18, there will be AP Testing for Microeconomics @ 8AM in the EXPO Hall, Graduation Rehearsals from 2-4PM, and a Battle of the Books competition in the Theater from 6-8PM. The NJHS End of Year Banquet will also take place from 6-9PM in the EXPO Hall.
Saturday, 5.19.18, the OCSARS event will take place from 4-8PM in the EXPO Hall and Theater, admission by invitation.
Monday, 5.21.18, there will be further Graduation Rehearsals from 9AM-12PM in the Theater and EXPO Hall, with the Middle School Band Spring Banquet and Concert from 6-9PM.
Tuesday, 5.22.18, there will be further Graduation Rehearsals from 9AM-12PM.
Wednesday, 5.23.18, will be Graduation Day for all graduating OCSA students in the EXPO Hall beginning @ 7PM.
Friday, 5.24.18, will be the last day for students and the end of the 4th 9 Weeks.
Tuesday, 5.29.18, will be the last day for teachers.
Finally, the 4th 9 Weeks Report Cards will be available for Secondary School students on June 14th.
Thank you, OCSA students and community, for a wonderful year. May the next year be even better!