The Oscars are Coming Up!

The 2023 Oscars are coming soon!


The 2023 Oscars are coming soon!

Alexander Mata, Reporter

It’s that time of the year again! The Oscars are coming up, with their 95th showing of all the greatest movies, actors and actresses, shows, and production that was brought out for everyone to see. The Oscars are set to take place on March 12th, 2023. The awards are regarded to be some of the most significant awards that could ever be given in the industry of film.

There are many categories in the Oscars to present and honor, which can recognize many well-known people in the industry, along with bringing out newcomers who have much more to show to the world. Many examples of categories the Oscars will include are: Best Picture, Best Director, Best Actor and Actress, Best Adapted and Original Screenplay, Best Animated Feature, Best Documentary, Best Cinematography, Best Costume Design, Best Film Editing, Best Original Score, or even Best Visuals. With that, it’s best to know just who these nominees are.

Many people have different views on the people and movies and would love to see their favorites. Some of the well-known nominees will include Avatar: The Way of Water, Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, Everything Everywhere All at Once, Top Gun Maverick, Elvis, Stephen Spielberg, Jamine Lee Curtis, Brendan Fraser and many others.

It will be exciting to see all the winners and big moments the many celebrities would be able to have, along with all the other movies.