DeSantis’ Re-Election.

DeSantis’ official portrait in the U.S. House of Representatives.
February 1, 2023
Florida has had many governors over the years leading up to 2019. Ron DeSantis, or Ronald Dion DeSantis, who was born September 14, 1978, is an American politician that is serving as the 46th governor of Florida since 2019. He represented the 6th congressional district in the U.S. house of representatives from 2013 to 2018. DeSantis is a part of the Republican political party and is a vocal supporter of the now former president, Donald Trump. He was first elected to Congress in 2012 and officially launched his campaign of re-election for governor on Nov 6, 2021, which he had won November 8, 2022, with 59.38% of the votes.
During one of his speeches in which he spoke about his election, he stated that “We not only won the election, but we have also rewritten the political map.”
Over the period in which he has been governor he has made decisions that have affected Florida, both seen as positive and negative. Many praise him for the efforts he has led efforts to protect Everglades, which he spent 980 million to restore everglades and protect the water source in Florida. As well as Signed Sweeping Law which is to protect Voters Integrity and signed Sweeping Tax Cut. This is to make sure that Florida stays one of the most tax-friendly states in the Country, which saved 168 million in taxes for families and businesses.
But certain regulations or rules he had put forwards have been negatively viewed by many. DeSantis had pushed through a divisive agenda in his first four years in office that included additional abortion restrictions, a vast expansion of school vouchers for private schools, measures to change how schools teach and talk about racism and LGBTQ+ issues, and a moratorium on COVID-19 vaccination mandates. He organized flights that transported refugees from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard, refused to assist the federal government in distributing COVID-19 vaccines for children, and pushed through an abrasively partisan redistricting of the state’s congressional districts that split up a district held by a sitting Black Democrat.
His current term ends on January 5, 2027. Due to Florida’s 2 consecutive term limit for governor re-election, DeSantis will not be able to launch a new re-election campaign after his term ends.