The 2023 College Week is now, and OCSA is showcasing their school spirit! We’ve already had Matriculation Monday and Support Our Troops Tuesday, and we have three more fun (and free) dress downs: What To Be Wednesday, Rush Thursday, and School Spirit Friday from 9/27-9/29.
Matriculation Monday had students wearing college colors in order to promote the importance of seniors furthering their education. So, if you want to go to FSU, be sure to wear your best cranberry-colored top. Support Our Troops Tuesday was the time to wear your best camo look in order to support students who are planning to go into the military after graduation. Serving our country is a great honor, as is attending one of their prestigious academies to further your education.
Tomorrow is Ms. Gill’s favorite dress-down, What to Be Wednesday! It’s the day where you can dress like the career path you have in mind. If you want to be a nurse, dress like a nurse. If you want to be an engineer, dress like an engineer. If you want to be a pop sensation like Taylor Swift, go for it! The possibilities are endless.
Rush Thursday and School Spirit Friday almost go hand-in-hand. Rush Thursday is where you can showcase your evolvement at school. If you have a club or “Gradventure” shirt you want to wear, this is the day to do so. School Spirit Friday is the time to bring out the logos. T-shirts, sweatpants, hoodies; all of them are acceptable as long as they have the logo on them.
College and Career Counselor, Ms. Gill has been working at OCSA for ten years helping students further their education, so this is an exciting week for her. If you have questions regarding your college education or your future career, be sure to set up an appointment with Ms. Gill. When asked the best way to get in touch with her, Gill replied “I’d like to know that you’re coming, so appointment is better. But I do have walk-in times during every period during lunch. My walk-in days are Wednesdays and Fridays. So, for those students that think the appointment is too far away because I get booked, …I can have kids in my office and kind of multi-task and see people.”
College and career week starts next Monday so be sure to show your love for education by dressing-down! And be sure to talk to Ms. Gill about your college questions, it’s never too early to be prepared.