Walt Disney Animation Studios have been in the process of making the sequel to Moana, a film featuring the Pacific Islander, Moana (Auli’i Carvalho), who goes on a quest with a demigod, Maui (Dwayne Johnson), to restore a relic to a magic island named Te Fiti. This film was released in 2016 and has grown popular to many families around the world. Merch has been sold in several stores replicating the characters in the film such as dolls, plushies, and action figures. Their soundtrack quickly became popular and has been performed in different events. Back in 2016, Canadian singer Alessia Caracciolo (professionally known as Alessia Cara) performed ‘How Far I’ll Go’ in Disney’s Holiday Celebration. Just a year later, Auli’i Carvalho and Alessia Cara again perform ‘How Far I’ll Go’ in the 2017 Radio Disney Music Awards. This song along with, “You’re Welcome,” performed by Dwayne Johnson, have been the most popular.
Years later, Disney Animated studios come out with a sequel, Moana 2. The film aired in theatres on Wednesday, November 27th. In the official trailer presented by Disney, Moana is seen to have a little sister, which was not shown in the last film. She’s called back by her ancestors to go on another adventure with Maui to dangerous unfamiliar places with her new voyaging team. In the trailer you could see the advances of the art and animation compared to the previous film. Disney applicated a new and vibrant atmosphere for our characters which could give a creative experience for our fellow artists. So, make sure you come and see the movie or follow up on when this film will be streaming!