Wizards in Waverly Place was a sequel hit Disney Channel show that aired from October 2007 to January 2012. On October 29th, 17 years later, Disney releases a sequel called Wizards Beyond Waverly Place. The episodes show up on Disney Channel, Disney+, Hulu+, DirecTV Stream, and Sling. The episodes started appearing on Disney+ on October 29th. New episodes have been released every Tuesday since.
According to Andy Swift, a writer for TVline, the premise of the show is Justin, played once again by David Henrie. Now, Justin is “a married father of two who lives on Staten Island”. He is now living without being able to do magic after being fired as headmaster of Wiztech over something referred to as “the unicorn incident”, which is yet to be explained in the season. Alex Russo comes to visit Justin and asks him to train 12-year-old Billie, prophesized to save the wizarding world with her magic, to use it.
Along with the Return of David Henrie, new cast members join in to play both his wife and two sons. Billie is played by Janice Ann LeAnn Brown. She has been in multiple hit shows in the past few years. According to Richard Nebens, writer for The Direct, “One of the biggest is Max’s Euphoria, which features massive stars like Zendaya and Sydney Sweeney (Brown plays the four and six-year-old versions of Zendaya’s Rue).” Other shows she has been in are Blood Rules, “Growing up Immigrant”, “Montross: Blood Rules”, “Growing Up Immigrant”, and “Endings, Beginnings.” She started off her career being on an episode of season 4 of “Black-ish” in 2017.
Mimi Gianopulos plays Giada Russo, the wife of Justin Russo. Alkaio Theile plays Roman Russo and Max Metenko plays Milo Russo, who are both the kids of Justin and Theresa. There is also the edition of the best friend of Roman and Milo.
It currently, as of having ten episodes released, has a 100% on Rotten Tomatoes.
Within the series, some were concerned about the focus switching from Alex Russo (Played by Selena Gomez) to Justin Russo (played by David Henrie).
More old cast members are set to appear in future episodes. David DeLuise who played Jerry Russom the dad, Maria Canals-Barrera who played Theresa Russo, the mom, and Jake T. Austin, who plays Max, Austin and Justin’s brother.
Within the series, some were concerned about the focus switching from Alex Russo (Played by Selena Gomez) to Justic Russo (played by David Henrie). Selena Gomez has only appeared in the 1st episode, and so far, is not said to be in any future ones. So far, those there are those who miss Selena Gomez’s presence on the show, they still believe the show is good without her. Msn writer Adam Bentz quotes Collider Marisa Williams as saying that though the series may be missing out by not having Selena Gomez be a major part of it, the show still manages to be hilarious despite her absence. Variety writer, Aramide Tinubu comments on the acting of the new cast, saying that “Brown, Thiele and Matenko are quick-witted. They’ve mastered comedic timing and the ability to elevate the punchiness of jokes.”
These opinions have been continued by critics with the 10 episodes releasing after the first. More episodes are scheduled to release throughout November.
So far, the series if off to a great start. Chances seem high that it’ll continue to humor and entertain its viewers in its future episodes.