The 2024 Osceola choice fair is taking place on November 21st. Today, the event will be taking place in the events center at the Osceola Heritage Park from 5:00 p.m.- 7:30 p.m. The fair is an event where students from grades k-12 could come and select their education opportunities. At the event, there will be booths of all of the different schools here at Osceola County. Parents will get a brief description of each school and what they specialize in so that the students could find out which one is best for them. In our county, we offer the following pathways:
- Architectural and Construction
- Arts, AV Technology and communication
- Business management and administration
- Education and training
- Engineering and Technology
- Finance
- Government and Public Administration
- Health Science
- Hospitality and Tourism
- Human Services
- Information Technology
- Law, Public Safety and Security
- Manufacturing
- Marketing, Sales and Service
- Transportation, Distribution and Logistics
There are many other school enrichments you can choose from, but these are the main pathways. For our high schools, these pathways come more into play in the intensity of where you being to go into a possible future career. Our school, OCSA, is a multi-level arts school that offers many different majors and focused studies. There are also high schools like PATHS and Neo City, that are more fitting into the magnet program. At the choice fair, you may be introduced to many different elementary schools, as it’s essential for the young kids who are just starting to find their passion. All of our schools also offer various different clubs to kickstart your kids’ inclusiveness in the school they attend. Along with kickstarting your social life, you can also start on your college degrees, which is through a program called Dual Enrollment, only available to high school students.
So come down to the Choice Fair today and find your purpose!