Elon Musk has been hinting at the possibility of him taking over the entertainment company, Hasbro. On Nov. 22, Elon Musk publicly denounced the practices of Hasbro on the 50th anniversary of the Dungeons and Dragons game as disrespectful towards Gary Gygax, who was primarily responsible for the creation of the game. This same suggestion was made previously during the celebration of the game’s 40th anniversary. “Then, on Wednesday, November 27th, Musk replied to a post in a way that caused the industry to wonder if he was turning his disruptive ways toward Hasbro,” according to Rob Wieland. But as Musk is known for his unpredictable business choices, only time will tell what he will do next.
Elon Musk May Be Purchasing Hasbro
Gianna Duverge, Reporter
January 29, 2025
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Gianna Duverge, Reporter
Gianna Duverge is a 9th grade creative writing student. She strives to spread truth through the written word. In her free time, you can find her organizing her extensive stationary collection.