The class of 2025 is graduating this year, each student with hopes and aspirations to a greater future. Seniors are excited to see what will come next in their lives. Graduating is the beginning of their lives as adults. A random selection of students were interviewed and asked to see themselves 10 years from now.
Jayson Nieves
Creative writer, Jayson Nieves, has aspirations to pursue his art as a career. He hopes to take his writing into film, making it big in Hollywood. His talents of acting and writing make a perfect blend to achieve his goals. His heart isn’t fully set on creating a family, but he isn’t opposed to the thought. Leaving it in the hands of fate, he hopes that in 10 years’ time he will be able to come home to someone. Although his dreams are set in Los Angeles or Hollywood, Nieves hopes to live in a 2-story house in Colorado at one point of his life.
A day in Nieves’ life 10 years from now begins early in the morning in a writer’s room. He will craft and draft all day and go back home to either his wife or his video games. He might practice guitar and travel a bit. Places he wants to travel to include Australia and Japan. He believes his 3 years in the drama department and 3 years in the creative writing department have set him on track to reach his dream. He recognizes that he needs to work better with people he doesn’t like, and hopes that future him won’t struggle doing so. With dedication and hard work, he knows he can make it.
“You better have been working with James Gunn by now, because if you haven’t then what the hell are you doing?” Nieves says as a message to his future self.
Isabel Tercero
Isabel Tercero, senior creative writer, hopes to become a copy editor. She looks into her career as a plan that may change but she is at peace with that as long as she ends up doing what she is meant to do. Her life aspiration is focused on finding love and getting married. Although she has no specific plans on forming a family, she is open to the idea if her future husband wants to. Isabel hopes to continue her hobbies of working out and writing, both very big parts of who she is. Her hope leads her to believe that she she will be rocking at least an engagement ring in 10 years, when she is 28. Her goals include traveling anywhere and everywhere before she settles down, unsure of how she will accomplish it, her dream will remain and her will profound. Tercero knows she will find a way. “You better be married or engaged,” she expressed to her future self.
Isabella Barry
Band major, Isabella Barry, is heading down a medical road. With her acceptance into the University of Florida as a biological sciences and music performance major, she plans to begin her path to become an anesthesiologist. Her extensive research has taken her to become a double major for the next 4 years, to increase her chances to get into medical school. During her studies, she might even study abroad in Europe, either in the UK or Spain.
In ten years, Barry hopes she will be completing her residency at a good hospital. Since the medical road takes time and much effort, she will be one year out of school and into her career. She will probably still be in Florida, living in an apartment with one bedroom, one bathroom, and 2 cats. She can almost certainly guarantee that she will not be married, but definitely with good friends to accompany her.
Her chosen career is inspired based on her value of knowledge. She has seen how nice her uncle, who is an ER nurse, lives and wants that life for herself. With confidence in her intelligence, she is sure she will be able to make it as an anesthesiologist one day. Her days in 10 years will likely begin at 3am when she gets paged to attend to a patient and prepare them for surgery. Barry will probably be on call all day then go home to the cats. But despite her busy workdays, she hopes to have time to travel and participate in a symphony made up of doctors.
Her constant discipline and selection of AP courses has set her on track to her goals. In a decade from now, she hopes to not struggle with the slumps she experiences when she comes back from a vacation or short break.
18-year-old Barry has a special and heart felt message to her future self, “pet your cats for me,” she passionately expresses in an interview.
Maria Segovia
Senior creative writer, Maria Segovia, is hoping to major in clinical psychology. She aspires to become a psychiatrist satisfying both her passion for helping others and financial goals. A decade from now she hopes to be in her second year of residency in a good hospital. She will likely either live in Florida or in Europe, in an apartment by herself and with a dog. By the time she is 27, she hopes to get the chance to visit her country of origin: Venezuela.
A day in her life will begin with a minimum 5-hour shift, depending on how many clients she will be seeing that day. When she gets home she will unwind through a good tv show and spending time on writing.
Segovia believes to be on track to where she wants to go. Her plan consists of attending UCF then going to FIU to get her doctorate. As a personal goal, she also hopes to enable herself to show vulnerability towards others. Her message to future Segovia is, “I hope you made it!”
Nelson Cora
Senior vocal major, Nelson Cora, is looking into a career in marketing. In 10 years from today, he hopes to find himself 5 years into his career, working with a business he helped grow. Beginning his work with small businesses, he strives to make them grow through his marketing campaigns and many ideas.
By the time he is 27, he hopes to have a 2-story home with his fiancé whom he will get married to that year, whoever that will be. His home will be located in Florida, but in a different county or city. He plans to have 2 or more kids once married, depending on his spouse’s wishes.
His dream life is greatly inspired on his parent’s hard work. He grew up in a place where his family didn’t have a lot but worked hard. He hopes to not have his parents’ work be in vain and grow financially stable enough to not worry to meet month’s end. Traveling will definitely be something he looks into, especially in Asia like Tokyo, Japan. His hobbies will consist of going to the gym, photography, and spending time with his partner.
Cora believes he is on track to where he wants to go. He hopes to grow not only in his career but as a person, learning to be less avoidant. If future Cora is reading this, 17-year- old Nelson wants you to know, “no matter what, be proud of the progress you made. I hope I’m successful in whatever it is I am doing and if I am not… then what am I doing?”
As seniors depart on their journeys, we wish them the best and hope each of their dreams come true. Good luck seniors, we hope to see you succeed!