Project Pan is a social media driven lifestyle movement that encourages people to use up their beauty products completely, or until they “hit pan.” In addition to using up the entire product, consumers are also encouraged to follow a “one in, one out” method by avoiding buying a new product if you have a similar item already. All of these ideas are steps toward avoiding overconsumption and saving money- two values that are incredibly important to the young people of today.
With social media pushing new products to you every few weeks, stores like Target and Marshall’s, and the rise of “mini” beauty products and “little treats,” overconsumption is easier than ever. Buying a five-dollar item might seem like a simple luxury, but if you buy one every month or every week, it starts to add up. You’re stuck with all these items and nowhere to put them, and so much that you can’t possibly use up by their expiration dates. But on the other end of the spectrum, I’ve seen so many people keep using the same eyeshadow palettes or the same lip glosses from six years ago until the printing wears off the crusty packaging can hardly close.
The part of Project Pan (and makeup consumption in general) that most people miss is that every beauty product, from mascara to moisturizer, has a shelf life, and it’s important to keep up with those expiration dates. While it may be tempting to use a product up until it’s gone, even if it takes years, using expired items can have its consequences- especially eye makeup. The skin around your eyes in very thin and sensitive, so using something like old mascara or eyeliner can cause irritation and pain (speaking from personal experience, sadly.) Tracking those expiration dates and actually using the items instead of saving them for some imaginary special occasion is key to succeeding in Project Pan.
Thinking twice before making purchases and investing in high-quality items is something that I’ve talked about plenty over the years, and I’m glad to see that the rest of the world seems to finally agree.