Duo, the mascot for popular language learning app Duolingo, tragically “passed away” on February 11th, 2025, after being hit by a Cybertruck. This tragedy took the internet by storm, with condolences pouring in from language learners and even other institutions, like the University of Miami, writing “Duo, we cannot take this rn (right now). It’s literally our centennial this year.” But the situation grew more convoluted after the green owl seeming came back to life. Consumers were left with more questions than answers- one of the most pressing ones being what Duo’s death said about modern-day marketing.
Over the past few years, brand mascots have shifted to be more personal and social media focused than ever before. Whether it’s killing of a mascot or arguing with other fast-food companies on X, companies are incredibly dedicated to curating an online presence to reach younger consumers. Duolingo is no exception, offering a whole cast of characters including the iconic green bird for consumers to get attached to, and churning out trendy, entertaining videos that are only loosely related to language learning to entice people to keep up their “Duolingo streak,” or the number of days learners spend on the Duolingo app doing at least one lesson.
But of course, these mascots are not real people, and it doesn’t hurt the feelings of a fictional character to not use an app, program, or product. The mascots are simply another form of advertising, no different to a commercial. So before mourning the “loss” of Duo, ask yourself if he was ever really alive in the first place.