Recently, at DC Comics, writer Scott Snyder, praised for his work on characters like Batman and Justice League, has been leading a new project that has promised DC hero’s and their comics back into the spotlight.
The All In/Absolute Initiative sees DC reimagining some of their most popular characters in ways no one would have guessed. While a new continuity has been established in the “All In Universe,” the “Absolute Universe” is a complete rework of the stories of all our favorite heroes. It all comes from the fallout of the previous stories, where Darkseid was killed. However, his essence and being created a new universe which has been deemed “Absolute.” The light of the heroes must burn brighter than ever to survive in this new universe powered by the evil that once was.
Absolute Batman, the first of the new comics, changes many of the recognizable elements of previous Batman stories. Instead of being a rich orphan, Bruce Wayne lives in the heart of Gotham with his very much alive mother. He’s a lowly engineer, and his father was killed when he was running for mayor. The most jarring change, however, is now Batman stands at a whopping 6 feet 6 inches and weighs in at about 250 pounds. He’s worked every city job to learn the layout of the city, and used his engineering prowess, he created all of his gear. The ears of his cowl turn into batarangs, his cape turns into stilts or blades, his armor can impale enemies with spikes, and his bat emblem becomes a battle-axe. The series reached the end of its first arc so far and has become the best-selling comic of 2024.
In addition to the new Batman story, DC comics has released “Absolute Wonder-Woman” and “Absolute Superman,” with the release of “Absolute Flash” imminent now, coming to the shelves on March 4th. The studio also has plans for “Absolute Green Lantern” and “Absolute Martian Manhunter.” The future of DC Comics seems bright.