In May 2025, seniors will be graduating high school. Consequently, many are only a few months away from moving out of their homes and in with roommates for college. Living with strangers isn’t an easy feat but can be if you know who to pick and what to consider. Furthermore, even if they are deciding to move in with friends, it is important to set some ground rules. There are three areas of life that are crucial to think about when moving in with roommates: living habits, compatibility, and money.
Living Habits
When it comes down to living with someone, taking their habits into account is very important. If you like to keep your space neat and tidy, can you trust they will do their part in cleaning and vacuuming? Keep in mind everyday activities can be met with different habits. For instance, are they the type to leave their plates in the sink and wash everything at the end of the day, or do they wash it the second they get there? Will that bother you? Can they cook for themselves or will they have the fridge packed with takeout leftovers? Do they smoke or drink? Do they party a lot or have a lot of people over like friends, significant others, or classmates? Take their hobbies and study habits into consideration too. Are they loud or do they stay up late, to the point where they can’t let you sleep? Are either of you light sleepers and will that be something you must learn to accommodate? All these questions are important to ask for a harmonious life, since that will be your home.
Living with a stranger or a friend can be tough, especially if there is an awkward or passive aggressive tension between you. College is a time to have fun and try new things. It is hard to do that if you have a negative home environment. Think to yourself when choosing a roommate if you would be able to watch a movie together or would you need to lock yourself in your room? What music do you both enjoy and could you hang out with each other’s friends? The people that a person hangs around can tell you a lot about the type of person they are, so if they seem nice but you don’t like their friends, keep yourself away from them. Chances are, they have those friends for a reason and are most likely similar to them in the way you don’t like. Compatibility is important since you will need to be able to discuss household rules and money with each other. Nothing is worse than having a hostile roommate who is impossible to communicate with. Compromise must always be an option when living with someone, there are things they might not like about you that you should be able to accommodate, just as they should.
Additionally, beware when moving in with friends. “When I first went to college, I moved in with 2 friends and didn’t think much of it. Now, we don’t get along and no longer are in contact. It is very important to know who you can move in with, it can totally ruin your relationship!” Luisa Sandoval, senior psychology major at the University of South Florida, expressed in an interview. Sandoval recommends digging deeper when selecting a friend to move in with. Just because you’re friends or have known each other for years, doesn’t mean that you get to skip over communicating and double checking living habits. They might be an awesome person to go out with but a terrible person to live with. Always remember that this is a person you will see every day before you go to bed and once you wake up. It isn’t about not liking them, it is about knowing if you can live together in a place where you will be with each other all the time. Not every friend can be a roommate and that is okay. You can still have an amazing friendship and recognize that living together is just not for the two of you.
Money is a very sensitive topic for people. When discussed with the wrong people, it can be used as blackmail or taken advantage of. Rent is one of the most important topics to have a clear understanding of as roommates. You need to make sure your lease is correctly formulated and that the person you are moving in with will pay their part. You must also ensure you are capable of paying for what you are agreeing to pay for. Make sure to set who pays for what and how much. Equity and equality in amounts must be considered. For example, if you are sharing something as simple as milk, but one of your roommates eats cereal every morning- it can be smart to have your roommate pay for milk more often than the rest of you since you might barely use milk. Similarly, if you want to share food make sure to coordinate schedules for who buys what when grocery shopping and have a clear understanding on how much each person is allowed to consume. Using dry- erase boards or organizing apps like Notion are recommended for making sure everyone is paying their part. Also remember that if you are sharing kitchen appliances, keep track of who is getting what for when you move out.
Seniors have a lot to consider, but if they start selecting roommates now with enough time and the right questions, they will be setting themselves up for a great freshman experience. Roommates can become your support system and even your best friends just as easily as they can become the last people you want to see, so just be careful. Make a list of all the living habits you personally have (the good and the bad), the traits you have and like in people, and what you are willing to share. Have the person you are thinking of moving in with craft the same list, then compare. The best way to live in peace with a roommate is communicating from the start. Good luck seniors, we hope you find the right people!