Welcome back to Fetch Fits! With the start of spring and the weather warming up again, it gets harder to stay fresh. Here’s how to make heads turn (in a good way!) this season.
First, build up a solid smell-good routine. Start by picking your “signature scent.” Buying seasonal scents can be fun, but be realistic: you probably won’t finish that full size cinnamon sugar cookie body spray by the time the holidays over, and the appeal will have worn off by spring. This is why it’s important that your signature scent that works year-round. Next, try to match all your fragrance items to each other: vanilla lotion, berry perfume, and lavender deodorant all at once are more than a little overwhelming. Keep everything at least withing the same family- and don’t forget to include items like shampoo and deodorant.
Once you’ve gathered all your items, be sure to use them consistently. Have a day-to-day perfume that’s not just for special occasions. Be sure to schedule your “everything showers,” wash days, and laundry days- and if you forget, dry shampoo and baby wipes can be real lifesavers. And never forget that obnoxious cologne is not a replacement for a shower! If you want to stay fresh all day, carry some extra nice-smelling items with you. Obviously, any kind of deodorant that comes in a spray bottle or can isn’t permitted, so be sure to apply those liberally in the mornings so your scent doesn’t fade the minute you leave the house. But bringing a stick or a roller ball perfume in your bag is school-approved and great for staying fresh throughout the day. Using gum and mints for fresh breath will also be greatly appreciated by anyone that you talk to.
And of course, while staying inside will reduce how much you sweat, don’t let that stop you from enjoying the nice weather and doing activities outdoors. Whether you’re spending spring break at the beach, visiting a botanical garden, or staying home and catching up on work, be sure to smell good while doing it. Happy spring break from Fetch Fits!