You are what drives you in your major.
“If the only way I can truly express myself as a person is by putting in the hours that it deserves and required then I’m going to do that and much more because I feel like that’s what is deserves,” explains Diego Aviles Martinez, a high school band major. If you want to be great and you crave pursuing your art, you will be motivated to do so. Finding that time and energy to put your all into your major will come from the pure passion you have for your major.
“I just want people to listen to me,” is what goes through all Creative Writing majors. Often writing is overlooked and labeled as boring, when in reality most are just trying to be heard. Any and every issue you want to voice can be voiced and written for everyone to see once you put in the effort to make it make sense. Anyone can write a sentence; you can make it great.
Many of the students at OCSA are driven from a mix of family goals for them, pressure to be the greatest, comparison to others more successful, etc… but the most powerful drive is themselves.
Even if you went to a regular public school, you would have found your way to your passion. Trust in that passion does not come from it being around you, thrown at you, or taught at your school; passion comes from you. Oh, you don’t have a passion? Yes, you do. What do you love doing? Make that your focus and your brain won’t stop following it no matter how hard you try.
What makes each major thrive in their art? What creates success and passion? You do. Start finding that passion within yourself and find out what it’s like.