South and North Korean Presidents Meet in Pyongyang

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (left) and South Korean President Moon Jae-In (right). (Photo: Getty Images)

Juandavid Velazquez, Reporter

Moon Jae-in, the president of South Korea, arrived in Pyongyang on Tuesday to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un. The two countries met for their third summit this year to achieve peace in the Korean Peninsula. Moon, Kim, and their wives hugged and shook hands, then with different officials before spectating a North Korean ceremonial guard which lasted around 15 minutes. According to South Korean officials, this was the first time Kin Jong Un had greeted visitors at the airport since he took power 7 years ago.  

Later in the day, the two rode in an open-roof car and waved by as they passed by thousands of onlookers who were lined on the streets. The three-day trip marks the first time since 2007 since a South Korean President has traveled North. It’s likely that the two leaders will discuss issues such as ending the Korean War, North Korea’s nuclear weapons program, and economic cooperation. “What I want to achieve is peace. Not a tentative change which could be volatile dependent on the international situation, but irreversible, permanent and unwavering peace, regardless of what might happen in the global arena.” Said Moon on Twitter prior to his flight. The fighting in the Korean War actually ended 67 years ago, but the war was never officially ended with a peace treaty. Both Moon and Kim vowed to bring an end to the Korean War in their very first summit meeting.  

North Korea will continue to pull out all stops for Moon and his people. The last two South Korean Presidents who visited North Korea, President Roh Moo-hyun, who visited in 2007 and President Kim Dae-Jung, in 2000 were both given warm welcomes. Kim won a noble peace prize for being the first North Korean President to travel North in the name of peace. However, his legacy was quickly tainted when it was discovered that South Korea secretly channeled nearly $200 million dollars to North Koreans via the Hyundai corporation days before the talk.  

Moon insists that it’s important for the two leaders to continue meeting in order to work towards peace. “We don’t mean to add another declaration or another agreement, “Said a spokesman for Moon, “We’re moving towards a new era.”