OCSA’s Principal Is Now Dr. Evens

Chandra Evans, OCSA’s principal has just revived her doctorate.
December 14, 2018
I recently interviewed our principal here at OCSA who just received her Doctorate of Education in Higher Education Leadership (Ed.D.) from National Louis University. Dr. Chandra Evans says receiving her doctorate was “surreal” and that she “is very blessed that she was able to achieve a personal life goal” such as this.
Dr. Evens is the first in her immediate family to receive such an amazing personal achievement, and she is so grateful to have the opportunity to do this because “it was a personal life goal she wanted to accomplish,” because she was “told she couldn’t achieve” something as amazing as this. It is a self confidence boost, and it shows how she is a believer in self improvement, values education and how it proves that anyone can better their education and reach new aspirations in their life.
Even though Dr. Evens has received this astounding achievement, she is planning to stay right at home here at OCSA, “this is what I was designed and created to do,” she aspires to push OCSA to new limits, to learn new ideas and strategies that can better OCSA and push them further down the road to success.
“The children I work with, I see and love them as my own.” Dr. Evens sees us as her own children when we walk across the stage during graduation she imagines that we are her own graduating into the real world. When we perform during a recital or a main stage event, she sees us as her children who practiced and performed beautifully each and every time. If you see Dr. Evens around campus make sure to congratulate her on receiving her doctorate degree.
“Don’t ever allow anyone to say you can’t achieve a goal. There is no ceiling to your aspirations, and if you happen to meet one, break through it.” – Dr. Chandra Evens.