Teacher Talent Show: Come one, come all!
Brendan Guillen, OCSA Ledger Reporter
The Teacher Talent Show, occurring tonight in the auditorium due to the storm on December 20th, the Show’s original date.
December 20, 2018
On December 20th, the Osceola County School for the Arts (OCSA) will be hosting a memorable Teacher Talent Show.
In light of the Christmas energy and cheer, OCSA has a number of teachers performing to send the students off heartily. After all, there is no time like the present to deliver the most cost-effective present of all: laughter. According to Ms. Taylor, a high school social studies teacher and soon-to- be-performer, quite a few teachers will be dancing just for kicks. In her own words, she will be performing to show some “good school spirit.”
The show is not just about having a good time, though that is what it will be. The admission funds all go to the class of 2021’s prom. According to Mrs. Vicens, one of the Talent Show promoters and a high school United States History teacher, “About a dozen or so of us are performing. Our numbers have been rehersed and we’re just about ready.”
The talent show itself will be held in the auditorium. It starts at approximately 6:30 P.M. and concludes with a group dance, involving every teacher. This finale is meant to be comical in every way, so expect to laugh and to laugh loud.
What better way to be sent on a two week vacation?