Montana Man Shot at, Mistaken for Bigfoot

December 19, 2018
A Montana man, who was out target shooting, became a target himself when another shooter unloaded a flurry of gunfire on him after mistaking him for Bigfoot, authorities said. The 27-year-old shooter told authorities that he was putting up targets outside Helena on Sunday when bullets started racing towards and around him, Lewis and Clark County Sheriff Leo Dutton said, according to the Idaho Statesman.
One round shot within only three feet of the victim and another came even closer, he told police. The man said he ran behind nearby trees for cover and eventually confronted the other shooter, who was driving a Ford F-150 pickup truck.
“I thought you were Bigfoot,” the victim says the shooter told him, according to Dutton. “I don’t target practice — but if I see something that looks like Bigfoot, I just shoot at it.” After local media reports of the victims, another woman came said she had a similar experience where she had been shot at by a man in an F-150 as well.
“We’re working to find this person,” Dutton said. “It is of great concern that this individual might think it’s okay to shoot at anything he thinks is Bigfoot.”
If the reports are true, the shooter could face charges, Dutton said.