OCSA’s Class of 2019 GradBash
OCSA and Universal Studio’s 2019 Senior GradBash, Friday, April 26th!
April 25, 2019
This Friday, April 26th is Universal Orlando’s Class of 2019’s GradBash!
We will be meeting up in our cafeteria at 4:15 p.m. and if you are Dual Enrolled, before the end of the day you should be waiting in the front office until 4:00 p.m. Then make your way to meet up with everyone else.
From 4:00-4:15, Mrs. Gonzalez’s room (5-108) will be open to leave any belongings you will not bring with you to Universal.
A meal voucher will be provided (one-time use only). It is suggested that if you wish to purchase any other foods, drinks, or souvenirs to bring extra money just in case. Please see Mr.Reynolds if you need to bring prescription medication.
GradBash ends at 2:00 a.m. and we should be back at OCSA by 2:30-3:00 a.m. (if you are not picked up on time you may lose senior privileges).
Universal’s security team is strictly enforcing all dress code regulations for GradBash, if you are found not following the Universal GradBash dress code, Universal Staff will take you to the nearest store to purchase acceptable attire. Universal will not be giving any refunds.