Letter from the Editor, 2019-20

Farewell to our readers for summer break!
August 26, 2019
The first time I walked on campus as an OCSA Student, it was to attend my freshman orientation. Waiting for me in the lobby of the auditorium was a small booth with a paper sign sketched in marker that read: The OCSA Ledger. I vividly remember approaching one of the girls at the booth who introduced herself as Editor in Chief, Sofia DuRose, whom I would later work with. She informed me of what exactly The OCSA Ledger was, why it mattered to the students on campus, and the breadth of information its staff covered and systematically distributed. I became the first subscriber that year.
Working on campus the past two years as a journalist has not only allowed me to grow as a writer, but also as a person. Like all the editors before me, many of whom I’ve personally worked with and admired, I hold every piece we publish to the same set of values and ethics. With each article and Op-ed we publish, we comb through each line verifying facts and perfecting structure in order to serve the campus to the best of our ability. Although looked upon by some as simply just a high school newspaper, there is no reason we shouldn’t hold ourselves to the gold standard of professional journalism while bringing fair, unbiased coverage of news that matters.
One of the many things I’ve learned in my experience as both a student at OCSA and as a journalist on staff, is the importance of covering what matters to our students. Whether it be upcoming auditions, current events, new OCSA policy, or one of numerous arts events on campus, The Ledger is our student body’s place for accurate and articulate information.
Over the past three years, I have been able to watch The OCSA Ledger develop into what it is today: a professional publication our school can be proud of. I am truly excited for what lies ahead this year. As well as many new promising journalists, a new associate editor, and a marketing director, we have many hard hitting articles for our readers to look forward to, including some high-profile interviews.
It is our goal to deliver the real truth from the cloudy disarray of information spilled out on a daily basis. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to comment below or contact myself or any other staff members.