Letter from the Editor

February 14, 2018
Dear OCSA Community,
It is with the utmost pleasure that I officially welcome you to our school’s digital newspaper. First conceived in print, The OCSA Ledger immediately devoted itself to the art of news. However, despite quarterly issues released, the paper severely lacked the currency that defines news – making a change necessary. When the 2017-2018 school year began, Mr. Capley and I discussed potential outlets for the digital platform. In our first attempt, we utilized Microsoft Publisher and decided we would post a pdf version to the school website every quarter. Recognizing that this method would only exacerbate the timeliness issues we encountered in the past as well as fail to interact readers, we turned to Mr. Olivo for guidance, where we then came to the conclusion that InDesign would become The OCSA Ledger’s new home. While we achieved the interactive elements desired, the paper continued to lack the relevancy we were not willing to compromise.
Like the definition of insanity, we turned to platforms that only recreated our initial issues and yet expected different results. It was not until we discovered SNOsites that our insanity came to an end. I am eternally thankful for Mr. Olivo’s aid in our digital conversion as well as the patience that you, our audience, has maintained in awaiting the paper’s redesign. Additionally, I cannot thank Mr. Capley enough for his persistence throughout this shift because without his determination this paper would not exist. I hope that you enjoy the new and improved Ledger and I look forward to servicing you as editor for the remainder of this school year.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to use the comments section; we look forward to your feedback.
Editor in Chief,
Jose Garcia
Mignon Conway Austin • Feb 28, 2018 at 6:24 am
This is very well done! Kudos to you, Mr. Capley, Mr. Olivo, and the OCSA Ledger staff!