DE Application Deadlines Aproaching

DE Application Deadlines Aproaching

Camilo Zeballos, Reporter

Dual Enrollment (DE) applications for the Spring Semester at UCF, UF, and Valencia recently opened and the deadlines are approaching fast. The Spring applications are due by November 1st, so students should have their SAT, PERT, and ACT scores ready in order to apply on time.

Juniors can apply to DE at UF. Keep in mind that UF is more restrictive towards what classes that can be taken, as a DE student, since their program is completely online. Students can only take two classes per semester and certain sciences, such as Biology and Chemistry, don’t offer the lab components that many colleges require. For more information on UF DE click here.

Juniors can also apply to DE at UCF. They allow students to take most of their classes on campus or online. Students can apply for early admission into UCF and be a full time student. For requirements and more information on that click here.

Valencia allows students to take up to 13 credit hours per semester until they reach the 60 required to get their 2 year AA degree. During that time period, students can take any class that meet the prerequisites for, as long as they are not a Flex course and last the entire semester. For more information on Valencia DE click here.

Good luck to everyone applying!