SENIOR ANNOUNCEMENT: “Naviance” Resumes Are Due This FRIDAY!

Be prepared and get those Naviance resumes ready for your guidance counselors by this Friday!
October 2, 2019
All 2020 OCSA Seniors, please have your Naviance resume’s done by this Friday for Mrs.Gill and your guidance counselors. If you do not have a completed and updated resume done by, Friday, October 2nd, you will NOT get a recommendation letter from any of your counselors.
Naviance resume’s are more important than you think. Resumes make it easier for your counselors to write thoughtful, factual, and admirable recommendation letters to take to your desired colleges. Recommendation letters can really make or break your applications, especially considering if your colleges require one or even multiple.
Don’t get left behind! Make it easier on both the staff of OCSA and yourself by preparing for your future and making sure everything is done properly and efficiently. Thank you!