Trans Health


Jennifer Randall, Reporter

Non-binary person Terry often found themself at a loss when trying to access as high quality healthcare as cis people. Especially those who reconized and affirmed theirs and other trans-identities.

Terry said that the culturally compentent care for trans people is lacking, “I would say that most of my providers have not been outwardly transphobic, but they have not been “trans informed” or educated about trans issues.” Terry continued, “By that I mean they seem to not have any info about transition related issues, did not ask my pronouns, and did not think through how my being trans has affected my mental or physical health. I would not call them prejudiced, but consciously uninformed about trans issues and concerns. And this is with regular access to specialists of all kinds.”

Many trans people have jarring and negative experience with their healthcare providers. As many transgender people are often misgendered with doctors, nurses, and social workers due to them not using the pronouns or name that they asked to be referred by. Sabrina Santiago, co-director of the network/La Red- a non profit that serves the LGBTQ community that advocates to end domestic partner abuse. Santiago stated, “Because of transphobia, and homophobia, doctors, nurses, and social workers are often still not registering that LGBTQ relationships exist and that their patient may not be straight or cisgender.”

New England is progressing steadily. With more efforts to equip hospitals with more tools to serve the trans population equal to the cis population. Cooley dickinson hospital in Northampton, massachusetts, is working to standardize the program so every staff member will receive training to bring them to cultural competencey training. The hospital is one of 13 healthcare facilities in Massuchets acknowledged at providing LGBTQ inclusive care.

Hopefully, this work will signal for better healthcare for LGBTQ people throughout the state and even throughout the nation.